Skin Food For Summer

Would you be shocked if I told you that some of the best-kept summer skin care secrets can be found at your local farmer’s market? What if I told you that you could find chemical-free skin solutions? How would you feel if I told you that most of them can be purchased for under 10 dollars? Intrigued yet? Let’s go (skin) food shopping!

TURMERIC is a powerful healing herb that works wonders for both your insides and outsides. Curcumin is an active compound found in turmeric. When curcumin is combined with black pepper the bioavailability of the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits are increased seven times. It is the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric that address the inflammation linked to psoriasis. Turmeric can be made into a paste to support gum health, masks for the face and body as well as milky teas to aid with digestion. Turmeric slows down cell damage due to the anti-oxidants and improves skin texture. 

PINE SAP salve has a delicious earthy scent and many benefits for your skin. This salve moisturizes, heals topical infections, reduces scars, clears up eczema or psoriasis, topical treatment of tick or mosquito bites, and speeds up wound healing. My favorite pine sap salve can be purchased at Return to Nature.

OLIVE OIL is one of the most legendary skin foods of all time and yet most of us use it incorrectly! I have friends who swear that they keep their skin supple by gently dabbing olive oil on it at night to prevent wrinkles. I have even been instructed by my reiki practitioner that I should pat my skin down with olive oil after a bath to protect my energy field. But what does science say about this miracle oil? The monounsaturated fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil have been shown to protect against and reduce free radical damage. Free radical damage is linked to cancer and premature aging. Olive oil also fights inflammation! Olive oil has a low smoking point which means that in order to receive the full benefits of this miracle oil, it should be used for flavoring a dish, not cooking it.

COMFREY is a miracle plant that grows throughout the U.S. I recently found comfrey butter bars that, like pine sap salve, address many common skin issues including psoriasis and acne. I love the bars that come from Hawaii via the famous chef Mama T! Her Miracle Comfrey Butter Bars can be purchased online.

WATERMELON may be the ultimate summer fruit and skin food as it has a high concentration of water and is low in sugar when compared with other fruits. What does this mean? The high concentration of water reduces puffiness around the eyes and the low volume of sugar will not compromise collagen. Have you ever heard the phrase “eat your water?” Watermelon is the ideal method of making sure you get your 8 glasses of water per day keeping you refreshed and hydrated.

Do you really need a reason to eat more AVOCADO? Probably not. Not only are avocados a staple in the southern California diet, avocados are full of healthy fats that your body needs. Avocado pulp can penetrate cells to give your skin a much-needed dose of vitamins A, D, and E. It can even be applied directly to your skin moisturize and reduce acne. Avocado pulp contains 63% oleic acid which is amazing for your skin!

ALMONDS are a powerful source of antioxidants which aid in preventing signs of aging. Almonds are also a source of magnesium which is believed to counter the effects of stress hormones, which can make you age prematurely and exacerbate breakouts.

Have a happy Summer and don’t forget to eat pretty!

MIA-BELLEIn the name of beauty, Mia Belle seeks to elevate the future of skin care.

Mia Belle is a well-traveled paramedical aesthetician with nearly two decades of experience in the fields of skin care and preventative aging. Her passion to be a part of  the rapid advancements in health care and her continued training on a global level, allows her to develop the best treatments and products possible. She has trained in Montreal, Paris, London, Norway, Iceland, New York, and San Francisco with some of the most internationally renowned chemists, engineers, physicians and alternative health practitioners.

Mia Belle is a published skin care expert who has been featured on Oprah, EXTRA, “E” Entertainment, Access Hollywood and KTLA.



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